Alumni of Rio Claro Central School

Join Volunteer

We are looking for volunteers and helpers for our projects. Although our projects are spear headed by former students of the Rio Claro Central School, we welcome assistance and interest from anyone who is willing to contribute to our efforts.

Our Projects

Since the launch of the charity, we have identified key areas of interest. These include:

  • Food hamper distribution
  • Establishing a Food Bank
  • Supply Tablet Devices to schools for home education of pupils
  • Establishing a Skills Bank
  • Establishing a Contact Centre that would provide information and advice on access to resources.


ARCS is an association for former pupils of the Rio Claro Central School also known as Rio Claro Government Secondary School. This initiative is driven by former students from the 1972 to 1977 set, but not exclusive to this group.

Latest News

October 6 2021 view more

Donation of 60 Tablet Devices

We are delighted to announce that ARCS donated 60 Tablet Devices to the Rio Claro East Secontary School on 6th October 2021.

May 20, 2021 view more

Food hamper vouchers given to families

ARCS has responded to the down-turn in income faced by many families with children and have distributed 44 vouchers each worth $400 which have assisted over 180 individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

UpComing Events

Establishing a Food Bank31 January, 2022
Skills Bank20 June, 2022
Information Resource Center29 September, 2022

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